Thursday, May 19, 2011


There's this kind of frustration in my heart over how I haven't been able to fully love someone all semester, just the things they do and say really make me want to shake them, and just saying that it hurts for me. Surrender is a moment by moment thing, I'm learning this with each passing second. Chances are I'll never see this person again, and while part of me is like, "Yes!" I wonder if I've done all I can to share the love of  Jesus with them, not just so I can say that I did, but for their benefit. Maybe it's true that even if you never see someone again, God hears our prayers for them?

It's Thursday, which means only one more class and then I'm heading back home tomorrow afternoon. I'm very excited to see my mom, dad, and big baby brother. We're going to pack my things and make our way home. Santa Barbara is so much smaller than San Francisco, but I think I'm ready to return, really I'm ready to come back to my family. And I feel that I've learned so much up here, I feel like a completely different person. I'm ready to go home and reconnect with people I isolated myself from (which was basically everyone) and reach out to people with love. This summer is going to be a good one, I can feel it.

I am very excited because I have been accepted to go on a Summer Project with Campus Crusade and CRASH to volunteer in Japan!! I'm at the point right now where it doesn't feel like it's happening, and, well, to be honest here, it's not until I raise the funds to go. But I'm believing and trusting that if I am supposed to be in Japan this summer, I will be there. I haven't been to Japan in so long and ever since I left I've wanted to go back. On top of that, I'm so glad to be able to just show the love of God to Japanese people and let God love on them with my hands and feet and my smile.

I have on more final, and it's in half an hour - oh Communications 150, why must you have a final exam? I should get back to my cramming for that, and looking presentable for class haha. 

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